Sidra Sarwar
‘Values elicitation table’ Harris (2009)/ Motivation and career anchors assessment’ Schein (2008).
Completing the ‘Values elicitation table’ developed by Harris (2009), enabled me to question myself on “what is important in your life?”. The results showed the top 3 values; faith, family and achievement are important to me.
Comparisons in results were found again whilst completing the ‘Motivation and career anchors assessment’ formed by Schein (2008). The assessment explores how; personality, motivation, values affect career choices and preference. My primary career anchor is: life style integration and my secondary career anchor is: security, stability, organisational identity. When evaluating the two careers anchor descriptions, alongside myself there is a clear contrast. Life style integration demonstrates, how individual’s make sure there is a work life balance routine maintained throughout their working life. Family, friends, hobbies and other than work related subjects are sustained. In comparison my second career anchor ‘security, stability, organisational identity’ also reflects my personality, and the values that are important to myself. One key characteristic is, individuals often have most of their family members within the same region and close by. This links into the need to have security. When relating this to my chosen career, it becomes apparent that my key value is achievement therefore this accommodates my desire to follow my chosen career path even though certain aspects’ of this career contradict my other key values. My faith is a fundamental value that is able to be carried out regardless of location. The strong family ties that are valued throughout faith and routine, are not overly compromised by the possibility of travel requirements.