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Sidra Sarwar
The Myers Briggs (1962) – Type Indicator questionnaire
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions
After completing the questionnaire the type indicators I mostly have is “INFJ”, this is broken down into four sections they are Introverted 44%, Institutive, 75%, Feeling 12% and Judging 33%. I scored a high percentage on Intuition however I disagree with this statement, it states that INFJ do not really concentrate on details and tend to focus on the bigger picture. I myself tend to concentre on smaller details then I plan and focus on the bigger picture. Furthermore I scored highly on Introverted, I do agree with this statement as I am quite reserved and a quiet person. When linking this skills audit to my chosen career path, even though I scored highly on ‘Introverted’ I personally did not agree with this statement however one of the key skills requirements needed for a fashion buyer is confidence and presentation skills. One of my weaknesses is presenting in front of an audience, therefore it is one of my goals I need to work towards in overcoming in order to fulfill my job requirement.
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